

Physiotherapy is a form of healthcare that focuses on the prevention, assessment, and treatment of physical dysfunction and pain. A combination of manual therapy techniques, exercises, and patient education are used to promote healing and restore function.

Personalised Treatment

Physiotherapy is a personalised form of healthcare. Each patient’s treatment plan is tailored to their individual needs and goals. By working closely with the patient, the physiotherapist can develop a treatment plan that addresses their specific concerns and helps them achieve their desired outcomes.

Here at PHPC we offer traditional and advanced physiotherapy techniques by our skilled and experienced Senior Physiotherapist to keep you functioning at your best. This includes offering dry needling, which is a safe and minimally invasive technique using thin needles to target trigger points in the muscle to effectively relieve pain and tension.

Pain Relief

One of the primary benefits of physiotherapy is pain relief. We use a variety of techniques, such as manual therapy, exercise and dry needling to help relieve pain caused by musculoskeletal injuries or conditions. Dry needling in particular has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and muscle tension.

Improved Function

Physiotherapy can also help improve function in individuals who are experiencing physical dysfunction or limited mobility. By using techniques such as exercise and manual therapy, physiotherapists can help restore range of motion and improve overall wellbeing.

Enhanced Healing

Through targeted manual therapy techniques such as massage and joint mobilisation, physiotherapists can promote blood flow to the affected area, which can help speed up the healing process.

Prevention of Recurrence

Regular physiotherapy can help prevent the recurrence of injuries or conditions. By identifying and addressing the underlying causes of the problem, we can help clients develop strategies to prevent future injuries.

Advanced Techniques

Advanced techniques such as dry needling can provide additional benefits to patients. Dry needling is a safe and minimally invasive technique that can be used to address muscle tension and trigger points, providing fast and effective pain relief.

Physiotherapy is a valuable form of healthcare that can help individuals with physical dysfunction or pain. Advanced techniques such as dry needling, when performed by a skilled physiotherapist, can provide additional benefits to patients. By working closely with a physiotherapist, patients can develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses their specific concerns and helps them achieve their desired outcomes.